How to cancel AMC Plus

Updated: May 13, 2022

Amc Plus Subcription Information

AMC Plus is AMC Network’s subscription and on demand streaming service serving customers all over the world. Follow the instructions below to cancel your subscription today.

Steps to cancel AMC Plus subscription

  1. Login to your account on the AMC website here
  2. Click on the main menu and then on the gear icon or ‘Settings’
  3. Details of your account should appear, now tap ‘Subscription’
  4. Click on ‘Cancel’ to end your subscription
  5. Follow any cancellation prompts and confirm you’ve cancelled by checking your account status

Are there any other ways to cancel?

Yes, if you’ve subscribed to AMC Plus via another service such as Amazon, Roku, Apple, or Google Play, you’ll need to cancel your subscription through that account.

If you’ve subscribed through another service such as Youtube or Xfinity, you’ll also need to login to your account there to cancel your subscription to AMC Plus.

Will you get a refund?

No refunds are available if you cancel your AMC Plus membership. Instead, your subscription will continue until the end of the billing date, following which it will then be shut down. You’re welcome to re-activate your subscription at any time.

What happens if you cancel during the free trial?

If you cancel your subscription to AMC Plus before the 7 day free trial ends, you will not be charged anything. Your account will simply not be able to access the benefits of a paying customer anymore.

Why do people cancel AMC Plus?

First launched in 2020, AMC Plus or AMC+, is one of the newest on-demand and live streaming platforms to hit to market. Backed by the world-renowned AMC Theatres, they’ve put AMC+ in quite a strong position with their already massive customer base. Despite all that, not everyone’s been overly pleased with their subscription to AMC+, which has led many people to cancel it instead.

One of the most popular reasons people have chosen to cancel AMC Plus is because they’re simply subscribed to too many streaming services. Five years ago you could count them all on less than one hand, these days, you’ll need to ask a friend for their fingers to count them all. And if AMC Plus doesn’t have the movies or TV shows the customer specifically wants, they might as well cancel it and move on to another service. This is very similar to the reason why so many people want to find out how to cancel their subscription to Marvel Unlimited.

The second most popular reason to close an AMC+ account is that it’s simply costing too much each month. Even though the price is relatively inexpensive compared to other streaming services, if you have multiple subscriptions to these services, the cost can quickly add up, especially if they’re thinking about cancelling their subscription to NBA League Pass as well.

Final thoughts

AMC Networks has joined the battle of the streamers by introducing AMC Plus to the world with it’s unique content and on-demand streaming options.

If you’ve found that it’s not for you, follow the steps above to cancel your AMC Plus subscription today.

If have any more questions, feel free to send their support team a message here:

Hi! I'm Carly - I've been helping people cancel their services for many years now after I was stung by one of the largest organizations in the world over and over. I spent weeks trying to cancel but they always gave me the runaround. And so, I created MyCancel to help you cancel whatever it is you're trying to cancel and quickly as possible. If you have a question - feel free to send me an email!

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