How to cancel Boston Globe Subscription

Updated: May 14, 2022

The Boston Globe Front Cover

Boston Globe is daily newspaper founded more than 150 years ago and provides millions of Americans with daily news coverage. If you’re not happy with your digital or home delivery subscription, follow the steps below to cancel today.

Steps to cancel a Boston Globe subscription

  1. Prepare the relevant information for your account
  2. Note down the reason you wish to cancel
  3. Call Boston Globe on 1-888-MY-GLOBE (694-5623)
  4. Talk to their support staff and request your subscription be cancelled
  5. Confirm they’ve cancelled by checking your subscription status

Can you cancel online?

No, Boston Globe does not provide its customers with a method to cancel their subscription online. The only way to cancel your subscription is to call them, or by email or chat, when required by law.

For example if you reside in California, Virginia, Oregon, Vermont or are an International User, you may request Boston Globe cancel your subscription via email or through their live chat on their website here.

Are there refunds available?

There are no refunds available when cancelling a subscription to Boston Globe. Your news account or home delivery service will simply continue until the end of the current billing date, following which you will then stop receiving the benefits of a paid subscription.

Why do people cancel their Boston Globe subscription?

Boston Globe has been providing Americans with their daily news for more than a century, covering events from coast to coast and border to border with great detail. As many other publications have done, the Globe has started offering digital subscriptions to their news, on top of their traditional printed newspapers, which has granted them access to a strong growth channel for their business. They’re also well loved in their local community with many efforts to engage charitable organizations and support the local economy. Despite all that, not everyone’s happy with the news they’re reading, which has led many people to cancel their subscription to the Globe.

And that’s one of the most popular reasons most people head online to find out how to cancel their subscriptions to the Boston Globe – because they simply don’t like what they’re reading any more. It’s difficult for a single publishing organizations to appeal to everyone at the same time, so there’s always going to be some people who change how they feel about their subscription if the organization takes a different stance on certain issues. This is also true for why so many people want to know how to cancel their subscriptions to Bet Plus.

Boston Globe Coverage Of A Protest
Boston Globe Coverage Of A Protest

Another common reason why people say they’ve decided to cancel their news subscription, is because they’re no longer interested in keeping up to date with the fast-paced lifestyle of the modern society. Some people would simply take a step back and live a more relaxed lifestyle, without the hustle and bustle of keeping up with the changing times every day.

Final thoughts

At more than 150 years old, Boston Globe has firmly established itself as one of the leading newspapers in America, with millions of daily readers to their digital and print articles every day.

If you’re not happy with the news their putting out, or simply want to stop paying for their content, follow the steps above and you’ll be able to cancel today in no time.

If have any more questions, feel free to send their support team a message here:

Hi! I'm Carly - I've been helping people cancel their services for many years now after I was stung by one of the largest organizations in the world over and over. I spent weeks trying to cancel but they always gave me the runaround. And so, I created MyCancel to help you cancel whatever it is you're trying to cancel and quickly as possible. If you have a question - feel free to send me an email!

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