How to cancel Onstar Services

Updated: April 5, 2022

Onstar Service Motto

Onstar provides a range of vehicle services helping with security, safety, and assistance from first responders. If you’re not happy with your subscription, follow the instructions below to cancel your account.

Steps to cancel Onstar

  1. Get your membership and account details ready
  2. Call customer support on 888-466-7827 or press the blue Onstar button in your vehicle
  3. Request their support staff to cancel your account
  4. Confirm you’ve cancelled by checking your subscription status

Are there any other ways to cancel?

The only way to cancel a membership with Onstar is to contact them directly and speak with one of their staff members. There is no option to cancel through their website or app.

Will you get a refund?

Yes, you will be refunded any unused days left in your subscription period. You will not receive a refund if the Onstar service cost was included in the purchase or lease of your vehicle.

Why do people cancel Onstar?

Onstar has been providing a range of services for drivers and their vehicles for more than 25 years now and is a subsidiary of GM. Their technology continues to improve in many countries around the world, with many areas of society using their services. Despite the high number of customers they have, not everyone’s happy, which has led to many deciding to cancel their Onstar service and move on.

First Responders From Onstar
First Responders From Onstar

One of the most cited reasons why people cancel Onstar is because they no longer feel they’re getting value for money. Whether they’ve never actually needed to use any of the vehicular services Onstar offers, or when they have they haven’t felt like it’s worth it – whatever the case when a service no longer provides value for money, it’s time to cut it and move on to something better.

Another reason people cancel is that they never wanted it in the first place. Onstar comes pre-fitted in many new vehicles, as well as a lot of second-hand vehicles and leased cars as well. Just because you want a specific vehicle, doesn’t mean you want all the add-on bloatware as well, which some may think Onstar to be.

Final thoughts

Onstar is one of the leading providers in a range of automobile services assisting drivers with safety, security, and notifying first responders. Unfortunately, it’s not for everyone.

Follow the steps above and you’ll be able to cancel Onstar today in no time.

If have any more questions, feel free to send their support team a message here:

Hi! I'm Carly - I've been helping people cancel their services for many years now after I was stung by one of the largest organizations in the world over and over. I spent weeks trying to cancel but they always gave me the runaround. And so, I created MyCancel to help you cancel whatever it is you're trying to cancel and quickly as possible. If you have a question - feel free to send me an email!

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