How to cancel Scentbird

Updated: March 30, 2022

Scentbird Mission Statement

Scentbird is a subscription-based company that sends out monthly packages of a range of fragrances. If you’re not happy with you’re subscription, follow these instructions to cancel your account.

Steps to cancel Scentbird subscription

  1. Login to your Scentbird account on their website
  2. Visit the ‘Account Settings’ page
  3. Click on ‘Request Cancellation’ and answer any questions they have
  4. Please note it may take up to seven (7) business days to process your request

Are there any other ways to close your account?

You can forward details of your account and your cancellation request to [email protected]. You can also submit your request to cancel via a message form on their website here.

What happens after you cancel?

You will still be able to use your Scentbird account after their support staff has confirmed your subscription will be cancelled. After the date of your next billing cycle passes, your subscription will be completely cancelled.

Will you receive a refund?

A refund for your Scentbird subscription is only available if you cancel through your account on their website within 12 hours of the most recent charge. Any more than 12 hours and their terms state no refund is applicable. However, you will still be able to use your account until the end of the current billing cycle.

Why do people cancel a Scentbird order?

Nearly 500,000 people are currently subscribed to Scentbird, meaning they’ve built themselves quite a large company with likely plenty of happy customers. And although their business continues to grow with them expanding to Canada as well, there are many who’ve chosen to cancel their subscriptions and move on.

Sample Of Scentbird Brands
Sample Of Scentbird Brands

One of the most popular reasons people close their Scentbird accounts is because the fragrances they’re receiving every month simply don’t do it for them. Everyone’s preferred fragrances are different, which can make it hard for a single company to please all of their customers at once. This is a similar reason why so many end up cancelling their Good Food accounts.

Besides that, despite the less than $20/month subscription fee not seeming too high, combine it with many other subscriptions services at the same time, and you’re looking at possibly hundreds of dollars a month. And when the tipping point comes, many people end up cancelling a whole range of services they don’t use anymore, like Shopify.

Final thoughts

Monthly subscriptions boxes have boomed over the past decade, and Scentbird has carved out its own little niche to provide hundreds of thousands with a range of different fragrances each month. Unfortunately, after trialling an account with them, many people have chosen to cancel their accounts and move on. Follow the steps above and you’ll have your Scentbird account cancelled in no time.

If have some more questions, feel free to send their support team a message here:

Hi! I'm Carly - I've been helping people cancel their services for many years now after I was stung by one of the largest organizations in the world over and over. I spent weeks trying to cancel but they always gave me the runaround. And so, I created MyCancel to help you cancel whatever it is you're trying to cancel and quickly as possible. If you have a question - feel free to send me an email!

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