How to cancel SiriusXM

Updated: July 13, 2021

Features Of A Siriusxm Subscription

SiriusXM is one of the biggest music and audio streaming companies in the country with more than 30 million paying subscribers. If it’s not for you anymore follow these instructions to find out how to cancel SiriusXM.

Steps to cancel Discord Nitro

  1. Call SiriusXM on 866-635-5020
  2. Tell them your account details such as your account number, radio ID or ESN ready
  3. Give a reason for your cancellation if they ask one
  4. Confirm your account is cancelled on your next billing date

Can you cancel SiriusXM without calling?

You can cancel your SiriusXM account online by opening a live chat with one of their customer representatives. You will need to have your account number, radio ID or ESN ready.

What happens after you cancel?

Your account will remain active until the next billing date after you cancel. You will still be able to use the service and listen to music until then.

Will SiriusXM charge you if you cancel during a free trial?

If you cancel the Platinum or Platinum Streaming free trial before the next billing date you will not be charged by SiriusXM. Your account will be cancelled on the date they receive your cancellation request.

Can you pause it instead?

There is no option to pause a SiriusXM subscription. You can transfer it or modify your subscription.

Will you get a refund?

Refunds are not available for lifetime subscriptions, trial subscriptions, subscriptions included in the sale of a car, or certain promotional subscriptions. Refunds may be available for subscriptions cancelled before the next billing date. Please contact a customer representative for more information when requesting a refund.

Why do people cancel SiriusXM?

Launching in 2008, SiriusXM has grown to be one of the biggest audio streaming platforms in the country, with more than $7 billion in annual revenue. They host a wide range of podcasts, music channels, sports events, and more. In recent times, however, there have been some complaints about SiriusXM which has led many people to want to find out how to cancel SiriusXM.

Music Channel On Siriusxm
Music Channel On Siriusxm

One of the most popular reasons people end up cancelling their subscriptions is because they’ve found a better service. There are plenty of music streaming platforms out there, and a lot of them come with zero cost as well. So when people don’t think they need SiriusXM anymore, they simply cancel it and move to another service.

Even though they are reaching record levels of subscribers, many people also cancel SiriusXM because they simply don’t like it anymore. SiriusXM hosts a wide range of talk shows, some of them quite controversial – and when you don’t like the shows anymore, it’s time to move on.

Final thoughts

SiriusXM has dominated the audio and music streaming industry for a while, but if it’s not for you, the steps above will help you cancel your subscription in no time. If have some more questions you’d like to ask before cancelling, feel free to send them a message on social media:

Hi! I'm Carly - I've been helping people cancel their services for many years now after I was stung by one of the largest organizations in the world over and over. I spent weeks trying to cancel but they always gave me the runaround. And so, I created MyCancel to help you cancel whatever it is you're trying to cancel and quickly as possible. If you have a question - feel free to send me an email!

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