How to cancel Everyone Active membership

Updated: July 5, 2021

Screenshot Of Everyone Active Membership

With over 190 facilities around the UK, Everyone Active is one of the leading providers of gym and recreation facilities. Founded in 1987, more than 3.2 million people visit their centres every month. Even though many of them are happy with their membership, there are many who aren’t as well. If that’s you, you’ll want to know how to cancel your Everyone Active membership today.

Follow these steps to cancel your Everyone Active membership:

Steps to cancel Everyone Active membership

Step 1 – Gather all the information about your Everyone Active membership

Information will include your name, membership number, address, and any other info you provided when you signed up.

Step 2 – Visit the contact page on their website

Visit this link – – to send them a message through their website.

Step 3 – Submit your cancellation request before the 20th to cancel before the next billing cycle starts

Everyone Active needs time to process your cancellation and stop the direct debits. If you submit your request after the 20th, they may charge you again on the 1st of the next month.

Step 4 – Notify your bank of the cancellation to prevent further payments from being taken

To be safe, you should also notify your bank to stop the direct debits from being deducted from your account.

Step 5 – Confirm you’ve cancelled by calling Everyone Active and checking your bank

Give your local centre a call to confirm your membership has been cancelled. As well, check your bank account on the next billing date to see if any money has been taken out.

Sweet! You’ve just cancelled your membership with Everyone Active.

Different ways to cancel Everyone Active

If you don’t want to go through your website, you can email your local centre with your cancellation request as well. Alternatively, simply head down and pay them a visit requesting you’d like to cancel. They may try and persuade you to stay though – so be prepared.

Everyone Active Supporting A Good Cause
Everyone Active Supporting A Good Cause

Great news for all of you still in the first 14 days of your trial period – you’re welcome to a 100% money-back guarantee if you cancel within the 14 days, no questions asked.

Why do people want to cancel

With more than 3.2 million residents visiting their 190+ locations around the UK every month, it’s no surprise that Everyone Active is one of the largest providers of health, gym, and recreational facilities around. They consistently take on new initiatives and offer new incentives to keep enrolling new members. In saying that, plenty of people are choosing to cancel their memberships with Everyone Active, but why?

Loss of motivation is a big one. Hitting the gym regularly and getting exercise is requires quite a bit of discipline, and not everyone has it. And when they see month after month, that Everyone Active is continuing to deduct membership payments yet they’re not visiting the gym, they figure it’s simply time to cancel and move on.

Everyone Active On Their New Ww Partnership
Everyone Active On Their New WW Partnership

On the other hand, people cancel their memberships because they’ve found a better exercise option for themselves. Whether they start working out at home, doing some exercise in the local’s parks, or end up joining a sports team – they simply don’t need their Everyone Active membership. And so, they go through the process to cancel their membership.

Unsurprisingly, once people become fit and build all the muscles they’re looking for, they also opt to cancel. This is a similar reason as to why many people cancel their PureGym membership (one of Everyday Active’s largest competitors in the UK).

Talk to staff

Everyone Active prides themselves on delivering strong customer satisfaction. So, if you have any more questions you’d like to ask their support staff before you cancel your membership, send them a message on social media:

Hi! I'm Carly - I've been helping people cancel their services for many years now after I was stung by one of the largest organizations in the world over and over. I spent weeks trying to cancel but they always gave me the runaround. And so, I created MyCancel to help you cancel whatever it is you're trying to cancel and quickly as possible. If you have a question - feel free to send me an email!

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